Privacy Policy

EklOr By ABC > Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

ABC Company

1 : What information will this document give me?

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you precisely about the processing of your personal data carried out via the website “EKLOR-BY-ABC”, whose domain name belongs to the company ABC.

2: Definitions

“The content” : designates all the elements and information making up the Site.
“The editor” or “ABC” or “we” : designates the company ABC which supplies the site and updates it regularly.
“The Site” : designates the EKLOR-BY-ABC website of the ABC company.
“The User” or “you” : designates the internet user browsing the Site.

3: What are the different ways of collecting my data?

Personal data concerning you is collected only via:

  • Cookies (necessary for the operation of the site)
  • The contact form
  • The registration form

The processing of your personal data carried out via cookies is detailed in our Cookies Policy.

4: What personal data concerning me is processed?

As a User of the Site, the personal data concerning you on which processing is carried out are as follows:
– If you have completed the contact form: your professional email address and all the personal information that you will include in the subject and content of your message.
– If you have completed the registration form: your name, your first name, your position in your company, your company, your professional email address, your telephone number, your country.
This information is used with the aim of facilitating contact for commercial prospecting activities, as well as to promote and communicate on the services offered by EklOr.

5: What is the processing carried out, is it legal, and why is it carried out?

The processing of personal data carried out by the Publisher via its Site is legal, and is carried out for specific and legitimate purposes.

The processing of data via the forms is legally based on the User’s consent, and is carried out in order to provide a response to the User’s request.

6: Who has access to my personal data?

Your personal data is only processed by ABC (Publisher), access to which is necessary to meet the purposes set out above.
Personal data processed by the Service Provider OVH, located in France. The mission of this subcontractor is limited to their storage and security. This subcontractor therefore has no right to review your personal data.

7: How is my personal data protected?

The Publisher has taken and regularly adapts the technical and organizational measures necessary to ensure the confidentiality, safety and security of your personal data. List of non-exhaustive measures adopted:

  • Data backups on secure media;
  • Limitation of access to servers hosting the EKLOR-BY-ABC SITE;
  • Access controls to servers and databases;
  • nomadic and encrypted posts;
  • Hosting of the site on French and secure servers.

The publisher has in particular put in place procedures in the event of detection of a security breach or data breach in order to be able to correct it with regard to the first as quickly and as efficiently as possible, and limit as much as possible the harmful consequences of the second.

8: How long will my personal data be kept by the Publisher?

Under the principle of limitation of retention periods, ABC undertakes to only keep the data of the person concerned for the period strictly necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing.

Those collected via the form are kept for the duration necessary for the exchange between you and the Publisher, then for 3 years from the last contact.

Likewise, the information collected during registration will be retained as long as your account remains active. For users inactive for a period of 3 years from the last contact or connection, ABC reserves the right to automatically delete the data linked to their account, in accordance with the principle of limitation of retention periods.

9: Are my personal data transferred outside the European Union?

No personal data is transferred outside the EU.

10: What are my rights as a data subject?

According to the national and European regulations in force, you have the right to information regarding the processing of your data, access to personal data concerning you, modification, rectification, erasure and portability of those.

You also have the right to request to object to the processing of your data, or to have this processing limited.

11: How can I exercise my rights?

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you precisely about the processing of your personal data carried out via the ABC company website. The User may submit a request to exercise one or more of the rights set out above by email to the following address:

If you believe, after contacting us, that your “Computer and Liberties” rights are not respected, you can send a complaint to: vice des Plaintes – 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07

Update : 29/11/2023